Work stress? Personal stress?
2020 has been a stressful year but things can change.
Modern-day life is hectic because there is always something to do and not enough time to do it! That’s stress!
If you are feeling stressed the last thing you want is more demands.
This blog gives you a snapshot of what you need to do if you feel frustrated, are working excessively long hours, or have stopped doing all the things that you enjoy in life.
Why should you worry about stress?
A little bit of stress is good. Furthermore, it helps you to get up in the morning and achieve things.
However, the problem with excess stress is that If you feel overwhelmed and don’t do anything to readjust something will happen without you having made any choices.
Stopping the consequences of excess stress is about understanding your own needs. If you value yourself enough learn to relax because there are lots of health benefits of relaxation. Sometimes it does require a bit of help though.
External stimulants such as drugs and alcohol are not helpful for someone who feels stressed and can’t relax yet many people chose to smoke, drink large amounts of caffeine drinks or take street drugs.
Is it time to change before the stressful demands on your life develop into relationship problems, work problems, health-related problems and more? Do you feel like you are on a conveyor belt because many people do?
Today take control.
If you are ready to change the stress that you are experiencing here are 3 simple steps to change and feel better.
Step 1. Acknowledge the demands you are under
You know things aren’t right. Ultimately you want to do your best. And you need money, security, to do your duty or something else. But you aren’t getting anywhere and you feel that you need to do more.
Stop! You need to change something but change can be scary.
Just acknowledge where you are right now.
How do I know if I am stressed?
Only you know how you feel and the number of demands on you.
Stress can result in many warning signals so take note if you aren’t sleeping well, you have digestive problems, or aches and pains because these often are the first signs of stress. Getting a health check is a good idea to rule out any other causes.
Step 2. Review where you are
Is it stress that is really the problem?
If it is, consider the time you have been stressed. Is it continuous for weeks, months or even years?
Finally, review the type of stress you are under. Is it work-related? Is it relationship related? Is it health-related? Or are the demands coming for all aspects of your life?
Step 3. Take action
Is doing nothing an option? For some people, it might be. However, for most adults, we do have some choices. What are your options?
Where will you be if you don’t take action now?
If you don’t do something today when will you take action?
What support do you have? Is that financial support, friends, colleagues, your manager, your doctor or someone else?
What is the first small thing you need to do? It might be stopping and sitting down! It could be deleting or delegating tasks. It might be speaking to a trusted person, allocating some time to think or writing out a plan.
Do you have a contingency plan? Could anyone else take some of the strain?
Change and check. How will you monitor your action?
If you are feeling stressed acknowledge, review and take action then do it again to check that the stress has been relieved.
Here are10 simple ways to relax that can help
1. Listen to music
It doesn’t matter what type of music but classical music has been shown to help people when they want to relax. Music can improve your mood, enhance concentration, and increase intelligence.
2. Stroke or pet an animal
When you stroke an animal, such as a cat or a dog, you release oxytocin to increase the bond between you and the animal. This makes the animal feel good and you feel good. And stroking an animal can also help to reduce the stress hormone cortisol. If you actually own and care for a pet there are many more long-term benefits to your health and well-being.
3. Practice meditation.
There are lots of different types of meditation. You can meditate on your own or with friends. Meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety so its a great way to relax.
4. Contact your friends
Mixing with people you like can help you to relax because its a normal human need to be part of a community and to feel safe. Friendships can give you purpose in life, help you deal with difficulties in life, and improve your confidence and self-esteem. So give a friend a call.
5. Have a massage
This could be a light massage with aromatherapy oils or a hard Thai massage. A massage releases tension, improves circulation, increases flexibility and reduces pain.
6. Go for a walk
Walking has psychological and physical benefits and will help you to relax.
7. Read a good book
It’s important to find a book that you like. Reading reduces stress, increases your concentration and improves your knowledge and vocabulary skills.
8. Practice Mindfulness
To get the best benefits of Mindfulness it should be practised daily either in a class or on your own. Mindfulness links you with the present so past negative thoughts or worries can be controlled allowing you to relax.
9. Have a warm bath
Relaxing in water feels good and will soothe aching muscles as well as providing mind relaxation.
10. Relax with hypnotherapy
You could see a hypnotherapy practitioner or purchase audio recordings to listen to at home. The hypnotic language will help your mind and body to relax. Hypnotherapy is beneficial for people suffering from stress and anxiety disorders because some anxious people find it hard to relax.
If you are stressed, what action will you take?
If you need to talk contact Linda at Awaken the Change