Hypnotherapy Information and Advice

Test Anxiety: 5 Easy ways to make learning stick

Test Anxiety: 5 Easy ways to make learning stick

Test or exam anxiety is common; however, we all need to learn, and that learning needs to be measured for a variety of reasons. But how do you make all that learning stick? There is no one answer, but I have five ways that will definitely help. You may choose to do...

Ways to find the best hypnotherapist

Ways to find the best hypnotherapist

Finding the best hypnotherapist might be a bigger task than you had first realised! There is no one way to find the best hypnotherapist, but as I have been in the industry for over 18 years, I hope to help. Let us start with some questions. What do you mean by the...

5 Symptoms and experiences of a fear of flying and 5 treatments

5 Symptoms and experiences of a fear of flying and 5 treatments

5 symptoms and experiences or fear of flying and 5 treatments What is a fear of flying? A fear of flying is called Aerobia. It's a common fear that has intensified and often become a phobia. The fear of flying is a common modern-day problem that is related to stress...

Learning a language: 5 Psychological reasons why you are struggling

Learning a language: 5 Psychological reasons why you are struggling

Hiya, I'm Linda Witchell. As someone specialising in helping people change their minds to feel better, I have witnessed many people who want to learn a language give up, not because they don't want to do it anymore but because they feel demotivated and lack confidence...

Fear of spiders: 10 Reasons why you might hate spiders

Fear of spiders: 10 Reasons why you might hate spiders

Do you hate spiders? Perhaps you have a fear or phobia of spiders. Autumn in the UK is the time for spiders, but they are everywhere worldwide, and many people dislike or greatly fear them. But why is this so? As a hypnotherapist, over the years, I have met many...

Is hypnosis real or does it resemble fake news?

Is hypnosis real or does it resemble fake news?

If you are curious about hypnosis, you might wonder if it's real because of stage shows and movies you may have watched. In these cases, hypnosis is used as a tool with the purpose of entertaining. That's a normal response to get stage hypnosis mixed up with...

Simplifying hypnotherapy: 3 keys to decoding the jargon

Simplifying hypnotherapy: 3 keys to decoding the jargon

If you are thinking of engaging a hypnotherapist to help you with a personal or work-related problem, where do you start? This blog will help you simplify the process of finding a hypnotherapist so that you can understand what is written about them and better...

5 Reasons why you can’t stop smoking and 5 reasons why you can

5 Reasons why you can’t stop smoking and 5 reasons why you can

Over the years, I have met many people who say that they can't stop smoking, but I can explain and show them many more reasons why they can. Are you up for the challenge to stop smoking now? If so, read on. Why do people start smoking? I have identified several themes...

3 Amazing ways self-hypnosis can help you

3 Amazing ways self-hypnosis can help you

One of the most amazing tools you can use to help yourself is self-hypnosis because you can influence your thinking and behaviour and take control of your life. Self-hypnosis is a simple, natural mind-body approach to help you change and heal yourself. Over the years,...