Contact Linda

Practice Address

Awaken The Change
1072 Christchurch Road,

Tel: 01202 248468

Linda Witchell - Hypnotherapist and Counsellor

Would You Like to Book a Free Initial 30 Minute Consultation?

If you would like to book a free consultation with me, please use my online booking system. You can start by clicking the button below.

In an Emergency

If an emergency arises and you feel like you are in a crisis and can’t wait for an appointment, you can:

  • Ask for an emergency appointment with your doctor
  • Contact your local hospital
  • Contact Samaritans in the UK 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. National freephone telephone number 116 123

Awaken The Change is a self-help service providing education and information.

Problems with a purchase?

Please see my customer service page if you are having problems with an online purchase.

Contact Me Via Email

For general enquiries, please fill out the form below, I will reply as soon as I can.

You are unable to book an appointment using this form. Initial consultations can be booked via the button above, other consultations can be booked via the book online link at the top of the page.

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Awaken the Change

Hypnotherapy & Counselling in Bournemouth

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