Hey, did you know that most people think hypnotherapy is the same as stage hypnosis, so they don’t automatically think hypnosis could help with anxiety?
This is a misconception because most people use their experiences of watching movies or going to stage shows to base their understanding of hypnosis as therapy.
But hypnotherapy can be successful in helping people to reduce performance anxiety, general anxiety and other forms of anxiety.
So, if you have been thinking about finding a solution to a problem, hypnotherapy could be the answer you are looking for. It will require you to be open and want to change.
But do you suffer from stress and anxiety?
It’s important to know what stress and anxiety are so you can look for the right solutions.
Stress is a feeling of pressure that comes from demands on you.
Anxiety is a fear or apprehension of something. We can get both these thoughts and feelings at work.
It often happens when you are feeling out of control.
Many people have short bouts of stress and anxiety, which can have benefits such as motivating you to do something or meeting a deadline. But long-term stress and anxiety aren’t helpful as they can impact your health and well-being.
Getting a diagnosis of stress and anxiety comes from a healthcare professional. But you will probably have a good idea yourself.
Therefore, getting a check-up from your doctor is the first place to go if you think you may have stress and anxiety symptoms, especially if you have had symptoms for more than a few weeks and it is affecting your life.
What causes stress and anxiety?
Anything can cause it, from financial difficulties, demands at work, relationship problems, and physical and health problems.
Some people don’t know what makes them feel stressed and anxious, while others can relate it to an incident such as moving house.
Note some medications that you may be offered for other health problems can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. They could cause the problem, so always consult a pharmacist or doctor if you take any medication. (It is advisable not to stop taking your medication without seeing your doctor first).
What symptoms might I notice if I feel stressed or anxious?
There are four areas to consider.
1. The way you are thinking.
Are you worrying and overthinking? Perhaps you can’t concentrate. For some people, their mind goes blank at times when they are stressed or anxious. You might overthink things and realise that you can’t make decisions.
Other people may have made comments.
The charity Mind highlights the importance of doing something because stress can cause mental illness.
2. How you are feeling.
This is about your emotions. Do you feel anxious, apprehensive, and overwhelmed? Maybe you are under a lot of pressure at work or in your personal life and can’t stop worrying.
3. Your body.
Has your sleep pattern changed? Are you eating more/less? Do you get headaches now? Or you may be experiencing related health issues such as acid reflux or getting lots of aches and pains or colds. Some people also get sexual problems.
Anything else you have noticed about your body?
4. How are you behaving
People who are stressed and anxious may use sabotaging behaviours to help them feel better. For example, you might drink too much alcohol, smoke or overeat. You could also become more irritable, shout, or get into more arguments than usual.
Some people turn to recreational drug taking. But all of these behaviours are short-lived, so they don’t help in the end.
Here are five reasons to get help from a hypnotherapist if you feel stressed or anxious.
1. It is a complementary therapy
We cannot underestimate the fantastic achievements of modern-day healthcare. But we also shouldn’t underestimate the power of self-healing and choice.
Complementary therapies aim to work alongside modern healthcare. This gives you a choice and could be the solution you need.
Some people may not like taking tablets like sleeping tablets or antidepressants, so that complementary therapies could be used.
One answer to reducing stress and anxiety is hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural process. It us usually carried out by a hypnotherapist who guides you to that trance-like state where positive suggestions are given to help you change.
So hypnosis is a way of communicating with you. It’s not about becoming unconscious; instead, it is a way your mind can refocus on the things you want in life rather than continue reprocessing the things you don’t want.
Furthermore, you might ask yourself if it is safe. Well, it is a safe process by a qualified hypnotherapist.
2. It’s easy to access hypnosis.
You can find hypnotherapists throughout the world.
You can also access hypnotherapists who are specialists.
Many hypnotherapists offer online hypnosis so you can get the help you need when you want and at your most comfortable location. Most people like to be in their own homes.
People can also be trained to deliver self-hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy can help many people, from children to adults, who can understand. However, there are some people who hypnotherapy is not recommended for, and that includes anyone with psychosis or severe mental ill health. It is also important that the person wants to change and can understand what is being said.
3. You could transform your life.
Hypnosis has been around for a long time.
Olympic athletes, celebrities such as the singer Adele, and performers use it.
People come to hypnotherapy to get help with a wide range of issues that are taking over their lives. For example, hypnosis could help you improve your performance at work or increase your confidence to learn to drive.
It will help you to focus your mind to achieve your dreams.
4. Hypnotherapy is a confidential service.
Like visiting a counsellor, psychologist or medical professional, hypnotherapists are responsible for keeping your information confidential. They should abide by the confidentiality rules of the country, for example, GDPR. And many belong to professional bodies with ethical codes of practice.
5. Hypnotherapy is supported by research and evidence.
Some people feel better talking to someone and taking action, but hypnosis is more than a placebo effect.
Studies have shown that hypnosis can reduce anxiety and stress in various situations. Thee have been reports of hypnosis helping with stress and anxiety disorders for many years.
For example, a systematic review of self-hypnosis showed that self-hypnosis could help stress reduction as a clinical treatment. Yet a review by Hammond states that hypnosis is underutilized due to misconceptions.
Other studies show hypnosis can help with exam anxiety, public speaking, and social anxiety. These are all anxieties that you may feel at work.
Hi, I’m Linda from Awaken the Change. I offer hypnotherapy, counselling and coaching online to people around the world. I specialise in helping people suffering from stress and anxiety due to work or personal issues. For more information about hypnotherapy and to discuss how it could help you, please make a free initial, no-obligation appointment.